Why you should update your resume? Well, I’m not Albert Einstein, but I do know that it took humans a while to get where we are at today. We first started from what was known as the stone age, then came the bronze age, and finally, the iron age. This right now could be called the computer age, what with everything we have seen in technological advancements so far.
From the first set of iPhones (which we thought were unbeatable) to those we have at hand now, we can see that nothing lasts forever. See where I’m going with this? Everything needs an upgrade from time to time, and so does your resume.
Many job seekers created their resumes back when the requirements on it were the in-thing, and now, they have failed to move with the tides of time.
If we are to be sincere with ourselves, hiring managers and recruiters are constantly taught new things, and they rely on new methods to sort through the stack of resumes to pick the perfect man, or woman, for the job.
While the resume you have put up might look like the best thing to have ever happened to earth in your eyes, let’s look at some of the signs that warrant you to update your resume.
1. Objective Statement
Gone are the days when what the hiring managers and their companies are looking for are your objectives. Right now, they have their own objective in mind – to fill that vacancy – and that is all that matters to them.
If you are itching to write something at the start of your resume, use that space to display your qualifications and skills in an as concise manner as possible.
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2. Personal Interests
There was a time when the company would want to know your personal interest. Right now, they just want to know what you can do for them at work.
Unless the job posting specifically instructs you to include that, leave that part out of the resume. Think of it as being one cool conversational topic when you finally get invited for the interview
3. Skillset
This is where a lot of people get things wrong. Just because there are a ton of skills out there does not mean you should use them all. Include only skills that pertain to you, and fit the job at hand. If you are applying for the role of a photographer, you might want to list your styles and the editing tools that you are familiar with.
Listing skills such as proficiency in Microsoft Word or the use of the Internet is just out of it. I would expect anyone in this century to have those skills already
4. Job Experience
There was a time when listing a ton of experiences would get you the job. You have established the quantities of jobs done, how about the quality?
Take time out to update your resume with what you have achieved at each of those positions that you have applied to. That way, not only your resume speaks, but your past accomplishments blow the trumpets.
Read Also: How to explain resume gaps to recruiters without being awkward
5. References Upon Request
Let me paint you a scenario. If you had not put this phrase on your resume, and the hiring manager had asked for your references, would you not have provided them? Of course, you would.
So, don’t waste valuable space telling anyone that you would provide them “references upon request” when you could use that slot to sell yourself better.
If you fall guilty of one, two or all (Uh-oh) of the points listed above, now is not the time to go bury yourself under a rock. It only means you’re human, and the only constant thing is change.
Now is the time to update your resume, make these changes and get one step closer to clinching that job you have been dreaming of.