Imposter Syndrome is an irrational fear of being exposed as frauds in their line of work and study and being discarded for that.
This feeling often affects our actions and prevents us from asking for raises or seeking help, for fear of getting exposed as a “fraud”. When it gets this far, it’s time to take steps to deal with these feelings.
The first step to solving any problem at all is acknowledging it.
When you do not, you live in constant fear of such a problem. Acknowledging it, though, means you are ready to get out in front of things and make the problem go away.
Seek Knowledge
After acknowledging the problem, you should know all you can about it.
Read up on the symptoms for a better, in-depth self-diagnosis. Go into the risks associated with it so that you see what you have been missing out on. With research, you can also determine your personality type to know what mode of treatment is best for you.
What is Imposter Syndrome and Do you Have it?
Reject Perfectionism
There is a reason why the world is moving towards agile processes. There is no need for perfection anymore – simply because there is nothing like that. Perfection is a fleeting dream that can only be chased, not attained.
When you understand that, you get to enjoy your work and processes better. As long as it works, and it works right, you are good to go.
Kill Negativity
Imposter syndrome does not go away in one day. Even those that have built up a wall against this syndrome still get negative thoughts from time to time.
These streams of thoughts could remind you about how less of a professional you are. Or, it could be self-doubt about whether or not you are worth that coming promotion.
It is left to you to reassure yourself, killing such negative thoughts with positivity almost instantly. That way, you keep a healthy mind that puts you at the top of your performance and self-esteem charts.
Finally, share with others around you.
As a college student, professional, or business owner, you might have someone that you look to as a mentor. It might even be a counselor. Share with them so that they know what you are going through. They will help keep you accountable to yourself and ensure you never slip into such doubts anymore.
Share with yourself too. Do this by documenting your success and wins, no matter how small. Gloss over them when you are feeling down – and use them as motivation to achieve even more.